University Reminds Campus Community of Policies and Procedures for Use of Facilities and First Amendment Resources | E-News

University Reminds Campus Community of Policies and Procedures for Use of Facilities and First Amendment Resources | E-News

West Virginia University launched a website earlier this year about the First Amendment and WVU’s unique role as a “marketplace of ideas” – where people can speak from different perspectives. The website provides detailed information about the First Amendment and its application to public universities. It also includes an overview of frequently asked questions about the First Amendment, resources for students, faculty and staff, discusses speech and counter-speech on the WVU campus, and includes the university’s social media guidelines, which include tips for students and staff.

In a “marketplace of ideas,” it is important to have a set of ground rules for using real estate. WVU’s policies and procedures for the use of university facilities can be found in several places and include the following:

  • Outdoor meeting areas are open to the public and do not require prior reservation for use between 7:30 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., Section 3.2.3 of BOG Finance and Administrative Rule 5.5, Use of University Facilities;
  • However, prior reservation is recommended to ensure that a specific date and time has not already been reserved, Section 3.2.3 of BOG Financial and Administrative Rule 5.5, Use of University Facilities;
  • Only students, faculty, staff, and campus-recognized organizations and departments may gather in campus buildings and obtain reservations using the reservation procedures found on the WVU Facilities Planning webpage, Section 3.3 of BOG Financial and Administrative Rule 5.5 from university institutions, can be found;
  • All commercial sales, solicitations, advertising and other commercial activities on WVU property are prohibited except by organizations and groups directly affiliated with the University and with written permission or pursuant to a written contract, Section 5.1 of the B BOG Finance – and Administrative Rule 5.5, Use of University Facilities;
  • No activity shall pose an immediate health or safety risk and open fire on campus is prohibited, Section 4.2 of BOG Governance Rule 1.8, Freedom of Expression;
  • No person shall interfere with, interfere with, or impede (1) the classes, events, ceremonies, or normal operations of the University; (2) the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic; (3) entering or exiting a building; (4) any event that blocks the view of the audience and creates sufficient noise to impede a speaker or performance; or (5) the lawful assembly or expression of another, regardless of viewpoint, Section 4.3 of BOG Governance Rule 1.8, Freedom of Expression.

In addition, West Virginia law, the West Virginia Attorney General’s Guidelines, the City of Morgantown Ordinances, and WVU’s Campus Code of Conduct, among others, prohibit the following:

  • Disorderly Conduct, W. Va. Code § 61-6-1b;
  • Destruction of property, W. Va. Code § 61-3-30;
  • obstructing a police officer, W. Va. Code § 61-5-17;
  • Destruction of [College] Rioters Building, W.Va. Code § 61-6-6;
  • Trespassing, WV Code § 61-3B-3, WV Code § 61-3B-4;
  • Loud and unnecessary noise within Morgantown city limits; City of Morgantown, Noise Ordinance, Sections 527.01 through 527.11 (Setting Maximum Permissible Sound Levels from Stationary Sources);
  • Camping on Public Land, City of Morgantown, Section 1157.01 to .08 (effective October 4, 2024).
  • Riotous Conduct and Hooliganism, WVU Campus Code of Conduct, Section 6.2(e);
  • Disability or Disturbance, WVU Campus Code of Conduct, Section 6.2(l).

Disturbances or obstructions as defined in the WVU Campus Conduct Code include violations of the First Amendment rights of others and may be punished by the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities, as may any other violation of state or local law.

WVU reminds students, faculty, staff and visitors that the free exchange of ideas is encouraged in a polite, conscientious and considerate manner consistent with University rules and policies.

For more information and resources, see

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Legal Department at [email protected].